HeartCore CXM

Customer eXperience Management
Change “Catalog” to “Marketing Platform”

-Implementation of “Omotenashi” on a website

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Website is not a catalog!

Websites used to be nothing more than a digital catalog or brochure, where the same information was displayed to every visitor. As technology has evolved, however, the role played by a website has dramatically changed. Today, it is becoming increasingly common for organizations to deliver content optimized and personalized for each visitor to their website.

What is essential for future websites?

What we believe is essential for future websites is implementation and automation of “Omotenashi”. To make it happen, the first and most important thing is to know who your visitors are. It is not possible to provide the best information to visitors without knowing them.

- ”Omotenashi” is a Japanese word that means the Japanese spirit of hospitality to welcome, treat and entertain visitors/guests/customers wholeheartedly.

3 steps for successful digital marketing

What begins it all is to know “who” your audience is. Various ways to identify visitors.

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IP addresses

Through IP addresses of the visitors accessing your website, you can retrieve different information regarding the organizations they belong to and the locations they are in - for example: company name, business type, sales amount, number of employees, company address, phone number, country, city, timezone, and weather data. This makes it possible especially for B2B companies to display content dynamically according to the information retrieved from IP addresses.


DMP (Data Management Platform) are widely used in recent years for retargeting ads online. With HeartCore CXM, you can utilize DMPs for dynamic, conditional content delivery and identification of website visitors as well.

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Dynamic approach to individual customers - create values and benefits

We realize it through the technology called “CXM” (Customer eXperience Management).

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Segmentation:Segmentation through various points of view

Segmentation can be configured through various points of view - any combination of different data. Demographic data includes gender, age, resident area and so on, behavioral data includes page visit histories, product purchase histories and so on. With intuitive operation of drag and drop, the number of target users is visualized in real time.

Personalization:Provides customers with personalized and optimized content

Provides real-time personalization. According to the user segmentation and scoring, personalized content is automatically displayed in real time. For example, attract female visitors in their 20s with figures and pictures, while using graphs and numbers for male visitors in their 30s. Also, offer a discount to visitors who have products left in the shopping cart.

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Process Animation

A/B testing:Eliminates subjective views, Provides scientific options

AB test results may differ among audiences or segments. HeartCore's AB test allows you to find the best results both for unspecified, general audiences and a specific cluster of audiences. With this advanced feature, any touch points can be dynamically optimized and maximized for individual visitors.

Master audience profile:Displays specific user and segment information inclusively

Information such as access history, visiting frequency, and also the number of access according to location, smartphone or PC access etc., can all be visualized for every audience. Various segments like below can be created on the fly.
- Accessing from smartphones
- Visited specific campaign pages
- Purchased product A but not product B

Standard Process Compliance Check

HeartCore CXM is designed to provide the best experience based on "science".

Every feature you need for successful digital marketing is here.

KPI Setting

HeartCore CXM includes all CMS content management) features as well.

HeartCore Core service is a multi-functional next generation website management platform that has a dominant market share in Japan.

Digital Marketing Success achieved with HeartCore CXM

Accumulate all kinds of data to enable variety of actions to be performed based on the needs

Analysis Dashboard
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